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At High View Primary school we provide a broad and balanced science curriculum that provides all children with the opportunity to engage in innovative and engaging lessons on a weekly basis. Across the school, a wide variety of topics are taught in line with the national curriculum. Our lessons foster children’s curiosity and engagement within their learning and broadens their scientific understanding of the world around them. High View provides children with an eagerness to follow all lines of enquiry and equips them with the skills to understand the different scientific careers within their own community.


Our learning environment is consistently updated to ensure children can access it. The children have posters that explain how they work scientifically and they refer to this in their lessons. Key words are also displayed which encourages children to use scientific vocabulary. Displays are engaging and constantly reflect the children’s learning. All children have access to many resources including the opportunity to be taught at Wilsons as well as to take part in trips and workshops which hooks them into their learning and broadens their experiences.


Pupil Voice

“In science we are learning how to work scientifically. We also create our own questions so that we can plan investigations from it.”


“I enjoy science because we are able to take part and lead practical investigations. We then share what we have learned and sometimes we think of new investigations from our findings.”


“We learn about different scientists within our communities. They aren’t just scientists in physics or chemistry, they are also people who are nurses, doctors, firemen etc.”


