At High View, PSHE is aimed to support children's spiritual, moral, social, cultural (SMSC) and physical development. It also works towards preparing them for the responsibilities, opportunities and experiences of life at present and in the future. At High View, PSHE is taught through the following topic areas: health and wellbeing, keeping safe, relationships and living in the wider world. Through these areas, many learning opportunities are planned for the children including: outside learning, drama and art.
Although it is taught as a stand-alone subject, PSHE is also recognised within a range of other subjects and children are encouraged to discuss their (SMSC) development through a variety of cross-curricular links. Teachers are always working on offering all pupils a positive, safe learning environment in which they have the opportunity for their own SMSC development. There is also a whole school focus on British Values and children are given time to recognise when these values are achieved through their everyday life.
"Through PSHE lessons, we learn about relationships, health and wellbeing and living in the wider world. I enjoy PSHE because we learn about important things in a fun and enjoyable way. I particularly enjoyed Respect Week, because we had a carousel day where we learnt about how to respect our elders, the environment, others and their opinions and diversity. We also have an anti-bullying day each year where we learn about different types of bullying and ways to prevent it. During our PSHE lessons, we also use skills we have learnt in other subjects, for example; drama, art, poetry writing and computer skills" Year 6
"In PSHE, we learn about being kind and friendly to each other. We also learn about how to always stay safe and about our health and wellbeing. We have learnt about when to take medicines and l found this really interesting. I like PSHE because we do lots of different things like drama and storytelling." Year 6