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Attendance & Absence

Attendance and Absence


School Attendance From September 2023 to July 2024

Number of compulsory school age pupils in September 2022
(This figure does not include all the children in the Reception and Nursery classes)
Percentage attendance96.2%
Percentage of authorised absences3.7%
Percentage of unauthorised absences (including term time holiday)1.1%


Attendance Information for Parents

At High View Primary School we are committed to providing a full educational experience for all pupils. We believe that, if pupils are to benefit from education, regular attendance is vital. The government defines good attendance as at least 95% as it has been proven that children with this level of attendance are higher achievers. Regular and punctual attendance ensures that your child settles well, is happy at school and able to take advantage of all that High View has to offer.

See Attendance Policy


Parental Responsibilities: Most parents fulfil their legal duty to ensure that their child attends regularly and punctually. Where attendance is not consistent we try to provide support to ensure improved and sustained attendance. If you are experiencing any problems please let us know.


Illness: Although we encourage full attendance we do not want children to come into school if they are unwell. It is not good for the child, their classmates or staff, particularly if your child has something contagious. If your child is absent due to sickness you must let the school know by 9.30am. For ongoing illness you will be asked for medical evidence e.g. letter from a doctor


Appointments: Wherever possible we would ask all routine doctors, dental etc. appointments to be made outside of school hours. However should an appointment be necessary during the school day we would encourage appointments to be made for the start or end of the school day. Upon return to school a form of medical evidence should be produced e.g. appointment card, letter, or sight of prescribed medication.


Lateness: Our Nusery and Reception classrooms are open from 8.30am-8.50am and our Year 1-6 classrooms are open from 8.35am-8.50am and children can come into school  between these times. This gives them time to hang up coats, hand in reading books and engage with Early Morning Work before school starts at 8.55am. Anyone arriving after 8.50 must enter via the school office and a parent must sign then in, the register will be noted accordingly. The registers are closed at 9.25am. Any child arriving as late, after 9.25am, has an unauthorised absence mark for the morning session. 


Persistent Lateness: When a child/ren have been identified as having persistent lateness, we will inform parents/carers of our concerns. In the first instance by an informal chat with the Attendance Lead and/or a letter. We will then monitor lateness, expecting to see an improvement.


If this continues to cause concern we will then request a formal meeting with the Attendance Lead and/or the Headteacher. The purpose of the meeting will be to address and resolve issues that are impacting on the child/ren's lateness.


Lateness due to oversleeping, traffic etc. is not acceptable. Good sleep routines and early morning traffic is unfortunately something you must take into account. Please be aware that parents/carers can approach us at any time if they are having problems getting their child into school on time. However as a parent it is your legal responsibility to ensure your child gets to school on time.

If your child is struggling with sleep please contact the school who will be able to access support for you and your child to support with sleep routines.


Procedures to follow when a child is absent from school: It is the responsibility of the parent to contact school by 9.30am on your child’s first day of absence. You can contact us in a variety of ways. You can call the office, please leave a message if no one answers. Please clearly state your name and relationship to child, child’s full name, class and reason for absence. 


We consider this a safeguarding issue and stress the importance for us to know your child is safe.


Holidays: You do not have the automatic right to withdraw your child from school for a family holiday. By law, you have to apply in advance for any absence, except by reason of sickness. The Department for Education (May 2013) changed the regulations concerning absence from school

“Amendments to the 2006 regulations remove references to family holiday and extended leave as well as the statutory threshold of ten school days. The amendments make clear that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Headteachers should determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if the leave is granted.”

DfE -


Fixed Penalty Notices: Although we will help any family to improve attendance and punctuality, it is the responsibility of parents to ensure their child attends school regularly and on time. If unauthorised absence and persistent lateness gives cause for concern the Local Authority may issue a Penalty Notice. The Penalty Notice of £160 (or £80 if paid within 21 days) is issued to each parent for each child taken out of school. Failure to pay the penalty in full may result in prosecution by the Local Authority.


  1. Service: At High View we have an Attendance committee to monitor both attendance and punctuality.  The attendance lead will support families to resolve attendance issues, including lateness and may engage the school's Family Support Worker to work alongside the school and families for additional support if needed.
  2. Where the school feels additional support and agency intervention may be needed the attendance lead will engage the services of with Social Services, the School Health Service, Children, Adolescence & Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and other appropriate agencies to help improve attendance.

Request for Term Time Leave Forms

Attendance Officer

The Attendance Officer visits the school regularly to monitor registers, note absences or late attendance and discuss problems with staff. They are always willing to visit parents and to give advice and discuss difficulties. The Attendance Officer is a valuable link between the school and other agencies. Contact may be made through the school or directly through the Education Department (0208 770 5000).


With effect from 1st September 2016 the following changes to the Attendance Policy will be introduced.


  • The school will Follow Government guidance with regard to requests for Special Authorised Absence in term time and leave will only be granted in exceptional circumstances and at the Head Teachers discretion.
  • The school will refer any parent who takes their children out of school for unauthorised leave to the Borough Attendance Office who will consider imposing a Penalty Notice on those parents.


Can we remind parents that you are expected to complete a form from the Office requesting exceptional term time leave and show proof of your journey. This is part of a drive to improve Attendance even more and to give our children the maximum time in school to increase their progress and attainment.
