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At High View, Computing is considered as a practical subject for the 21st century, in which invention and resourcefulness are encouraged. The ideas of computing are applied to understanding real-world systems and creating purposeful products. This combination of principles, practice and invention makes computing an extraordinarily useful and intensely creative subject at High View, suffused with excitement, both visceral (‘it works!’) and intellectual (‘that is so beautiful’).


Computing is taught across EYFS, Key Stage 1 and 2 and encourages children to understand and equip themselves with computational thinking that addresses the challenges and opportunities offered by the technologically rich world in which we live.


Each year group follow a sequence of learning each term, this will cover e-safety, computer science, programming and control, introducing algorithms, information technology and digital literacy. Over the course of the year children build upon prior knowledge taking this with them throughout their primary education. This results in gradual progression and mastery of the subject.


The computing curriculum is made up of three important areas which will be taught throughout our school.

These are -


  • Computer Science
  • Information technology
  • Digital literacy


The core knowledge within the new computing curriculum is based around computer science. This involves programming, debugging and beginning to understand computer networking. It also focuses on using logical reasoning to manipulate or fix programs. This can include simple commands and making predictions about the outcome of each command. Children are also be able to design and create their own applications!


IT skills are integral to all our children’s learning and involves using technology correctly and purposefully. Children use search engines to find and present information. This element of computing is closely linked to children's topics where they are given opportunities to effectively search for information, assess its credibility and use a range of ways to present.


The Digital literacy aspect of the computing curriculum focuses on using technology safely. At High View educating our children in online safety is paramount to us. We have always taught the children many important skills about staying safe whilst using the internet and other communication technology.


However, staying safe online is also something that needs to happen both inside and outside of school.

Remember - 'friends' online are strangers unless we already know them. This includes online gaming friends.

Here are some useful websites to help you to ensure your children stay safe online – ​​​​​​​


"I really enjoy computing! We have to colour in a Hedgehog and a bird and save it.  It would be better if we could draw roller coasters." Year 1


"I enjoy computing as we learn new things every time. This helps us to imply it for other uses; we use our chrome books in all other subjects. We also do fun activities in our learning." Year 5


"I enjoy computing because the vast range of opportunities we can have on the chrome books.  Also, on our new software (Purple mash) the activities vary, from coding and making games to create leaflets and posters." Year 6


"I like computing because it calms me down. It is one of the subjects I enjoy as it is serene. I enjoy composing new codes and exploring the gadgets that changed mankind. Purple mash ( a special program we use) explains things to me in a way that you cannot understand without it. Computing excites me so much that I become nervous! What are we doing today?" Year 6


