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Pupil Leadership

Pupil Leadership Groups

Speak Up, Be Heard, Create Change!

We represent the views of our class.

We have ideas that will improve our school and make learning more fun.

We have a passion to create purposeful change as well as improve what is already working well at High View.


Pupil Voice Group - Job Descriptions

School Council - Miss Ambroziewicz
  • Attend regular meetings with Miss Ambroziewicz
  • Take ideas and suggestions your class has to discuss at School Council meetings. 
  • Bring back ideas, information and suggestions to your class and encourage your class to listen, discuss, share their views and, where necessary, vote on actions that need to be taken. 
  • Help to organise charity events throughout the year. 
  • Encourage the pupils in your class to be aware of their school environment and to respect and care for it.
  • Collect team points every Friday
  • Meet children from other schools and share ideas about fun lessons and projects;
  • Tell teachers what you feel about homework and suggest changes;
  • Tell teachers what you think about the way your work is marked and suggest changes;
  • Suggest ideas that can make our learning even more interesting, unique and engaging.
  • Meet regularly to discuss PTFA events such as fairs and discos;
  • Discussing how money raised from events should be spent;
  • Think of ideas of how to raise money for us as a school;


KS2 Digital Leaders - Miss Payne
  • To support the school and classes in continuously improving our digital strategy;
  • To improve our digital learning for children, staff, governors and parents; 
  • To attend meetings/ training with Miss Payne to discuss digital issues;


KS1 & KS2 Money Makers - Mrs Parker
  • To attend meetings each half term with Mrs Parker and the money makers team
  • To think up creative ideas about how to raise money for our school 
  • To advertise enterprise and money making activities to your peers 
  • To carefully plan fun money making projects such as selling toys/crafts/cakes to the school community 
  • To attend some money making events after school to sell items to the school community 


KS2 Nursery Buddies - Mrs Williams
  • Encourage children to join in with chat times (if applicable)
  • Read stories/a favourite book to a group of children
  • Play games such as snap, pairs, simple board games with small groups of children
  • Encourage children to join in with play and 1:1 conversations
  • Join in and model good sharing, great communication, demonstrating our school powers of self belief, respect and responsibility
  • Model the activities/tasks such as painting, playing in the home corner, completing a puzzle
  • Ensuring children put the toys/resources away once finished
  • Modal good behaviour on the carpet









