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Music at High View Primary School contributes to the life of the school and the development of the whole child. Each child takes part in class music lessons, which are well planned to encourage the development of listening, appraising, performing and composing music. These lessons are planned for all ability groups and offer equal opportunities for all children to take part. We follow the music curriculum provided by Charanga music.


Children are given opportunities to develop their performing skills throughout their time at High View. These include, parent assemblies, school choir performances, instrumental concerts which showcase the work of children having private music tuition and Christmas performances.


"l like Music because it is really interesting. l liked it when we used cups to play cup rhythms. l found it hard at the start but then at the end of the lesson l had got the hang of it." Year 6


"We like Music because we work in groups and get to listen to other people's ideas." Year 6


"We enjoyed it when we played chromatic scales on the glockenspeils because it was fun and interesting to learn the tune of the song 'Scale Bones."  Year 6


"l enjoyed learning about different notes and composing our own street seller calls when we were learning about the Victorians."  Year 6
