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Pupil PE Days Spring Term 2025

Year 1    
HedgehogsPE days -  Tuesday and Thursday   
SquirrelsPE days - Monday and Thursday   
Year 2    
MolesPE days -  Monday and Friday   
 Presto/Forest School - Thursday   
RabbitsPE days -  Monday and Wednesday   
 Presto/Forest School - Thursday   
Year 3   
BadgersPE days - Tuesday and Wednesday   
FoxesPE days - Tuesday and Friday   
Year 4   
DovesPE days -  Wednesday and Thursday   
 Presto/Forest School - Tuesday    
NightingalesPE days - Monday and Thursday   
 Presto/Forest School - Tuesday   
Year 5    
FalconsPE days - Monday and Wednesday   
Kestrels PE days - Tuesday and Wednesday   
Year 6    
KingfishersPE days - Wednesday and Thursday   
Woodpeckers PE days - Wednesday and Thursday   
Forest School & Presto   
Pupils should wear PE Kit on days they have forest school and presto, and must bring a change of shoes for forest school.